Tag Archive for: Movers

When it comes to moving overseas, there are many factors to consider. From how to pack and ship your goods, to whether to take your car with, to how to move your beloved pets, to whether your valuables will be insured if damaged, to how to reduce stress in the family.

Quintin Coetzee, our Marketing Assistant, recently interviewed owner and Managing Director of Kings International Removers, Rolf Lamers, about all of the above and more.

In this video interview, they cover a wide variety of topics pertaining to moving internationally. Feel free to watch it below, or click the link here to go to YouTube, where there are section links in the description for you to click to parts you’re most interested in hearing about.

Thank you again to Rolf for participating in this interview. For more information about Kings International, click here. We hope you find the video informative, and hope you learn a little more about what the process of becoming an expat is like.


For information as to how Relocation Africa can help you with your Mobility, Immigration, Research, Remuneration, and Expat Tax needs, email info@relocationafrica.com, or call us on +27 21 763 4240.

Sources: [1], [2]. Image sources: [1], [2].