As the 24th of September marked another Heritage Day in South Africa – a day to remember our history and celebrate our cultures – we decided to use one of our Wacky Wednesday check-ins to bring items and stories to our head office, so that our team members could learn about each other’s heritage.
Our Head Office team has come to expect the unexpected during our Wacky Wednesday Check-ins and last week was no different. Keeping Heritage Day in mind, Joy, from our HR Department set the scene for a celebration and sharing of the diverse culture in our team.
We were all encouraged to participate in a “show and tell” story explaining the significance of the particular item we brought to the table or what we decided to wear. Have a look at our “show and tell” photos and see if you can guess which cultures are being represented on our team.
- Marlyse Wood: “My item was impossible to be brought to the office. Here is a picture of a tradition within our family which I plan to pass on to my children. This is a special gift given to my mom on her 21st birthday from her parents. It means so much to me to know that my mom entrusted me to keep it safe in my home. It’s a Vintage Imbuia ball and claw kist (chest) with brass fittings. As of today, this kist is 66 years old, and I use it to store sentimental items. Us being a “coloured” family, each heritage day we get together and prepare a “Potjie” which can be made from chicken curry or oxtail. I’m willing to share the recipe for the oxtail. Also as a side dish for the braai meats, a potato bake recipe”.
- Our team’s heritage items that they brought to the office for our check-in. Pictured are Pumza’s Xhosa necklace and pipe, Lucy’s crown, Quintin’s family crest, Joy’s Scottish family coaster and Liverpool scarf, and Eloise’s Die Groot Trek bracelet.
- Our team celebrating Heritage Day at the office.
- Immigration Lead Lynn Mackenzie’s relative made a mural for her representing the day her father met former South African President Nelson Mandela and Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
- Team member Pumza dressed up in traditional Xhosa clothes and makeup.
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Sources: [1], [2]. Image sources: [1], [2].