Corruption Clamp Down – South African Immigration!

IMG_3678 IMG_3679 IMG_3682 IMG_3683Acting on a tipoff officers from Complex Patrols teamed up with SAPS and raided a unit of a complex on Parklands Main, according to the informant we would only be able to get the exact unit this morning but the informant had no idea how resourceful Complex Patrols are and the unit was hit 2 hours later. One young female arrested for forgery/fraud of legal documents. This activity turned out to be a family business as the females father was found with even more forged documents and he was also arrested. The “permits” we were told, lay in the unscented oil to thicken and give a sheen finish when dried. This is just the tip of the iceberg insofar as manufacturing these illegal documents are concerned, the documents were going to a border post to be stamped this morning! Well done SAPS and Complex Patrols. – information from messages from Complexpatrols.  WE SUPPORT ANTICORRUPTION @RELOAFRICA #ANITCORRUPTION