Tag Archive for: Minister of The Department of Home Affairs

SA Immigration

We are delighted that Dr Leon Schreiber from the DA, has been appointed as the new Minister of The Department of Home Affairs. We are confident that his appointment will result in positive changes within the department and more specifically within the immigration division.

As Dr Schreibers first official act, a media statement has been released whereby extending the temporary concession for foreign nationals, who having pending visa, waiver and appeal applications in the system. The concession is extended until 31 December 2024 and relates to pending waiver applications, long term visa applications such as relative visas, work visa, study visas, business visa and visa appeal applications.

If a foreign national has a visitors visa in terms of Section 11(1) of the SA Immigration Act pending, their automatic concession is for a maximum of 90 days, beyond the current visa expiry date. For example. If a foreign national had a visitors visa which was valid until 31 May 2024 and they applied for an extension until 30 July 2024, if the extension outcome is not issued, the latest they may leave SA is end of August 2024 (90 days after the initial visa expired).