Tag Archive for: Wang Jinnan

China has begun to collect an environment tax, aimed at better protecting the environment and cut pollutant discharge, as the country’s Environmental Protection Tax Law took effect on January 1, 2018.

The introduction of the tax called an end to the ‘pollutant discharge fee’ which China had been collecting for nearly 40 years.

This is China’s first tax clearly designed for environmental protection, which will help establish a “green” financial and taxation system and promote pollution control and treatment of pollutants, said Wang Jinnan, head of the Chinese Academy For Environmental Planning under the Ministry of Environmental Protection.

China had collected a ‘pollutant discharge fee’ since 1979, however, some local governments exploited loopholes and exempted enterprises that were otherwise big contributors to fiscal revenue. For years, regulators had suggested replacing the fee system with a law.

Under the Environmental Protection Tax Law, which targets enterprises and public institutions that discharge listed pollutants directly into the environment, companies will pay taxes for producing noise, air and water pollutants as well as solid waste.

Tackling pollution has been listed as one of the “three tough battles” that China aims to win in the next three years. The areas of focus were discussed at the recent Central Economic Work Conference, an annual meeting held in China, convened by the Central Committee of the Communist Party and the State Council, which sets the national agenda for the Economy of China and its financial and banking sectors.

China’s parliamentary elections are currently underway, having begun in October 2017, and will conclude in March 2018.


Sources: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]. Image source: [1].