Tag Archive for: Wash Your Hands

Tighter lockdown restrictions might be coming our way should South Africans not up their COVID-19 safety measures.

This is a warning from COVID-19 ministerial advisory committee member Professor Ian Sanne recently.

Sanne, who’s also CEO of Right to Care – a non-government organisation, stresses the mounting burden the pandemic puts on the health sector.

“I think South Africa will have no choice but to lock down further if people don’t seriously practice social distancing.”

Sanne said studies were being done to weigh up the effect of an increased viral load against COVID-19 clinical outcomes.

Health Minister Zweli Mkhize last week announced that South African scientists have identified a variant of the coronavirus – and that the current second wave in the country is being driven by this.

Mkhize has raised concerns over complacency amongst young South Africans.

“It cannot be that our youth must only adhere to life-saving measures only after being policed to do so. We, therefore, call on parents, caregivers and youth to understand that it’s now not just a matter of thinking about others or even about yourself and therefore you yourself are equally at risk of dying of COVID-19.”


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Sources: [1], [2]. Image sources: [1], [2].