Tag Archive for: Waste Disposal

At Relocation Africa, over the years, we’ve recognized the importance of a strong recycling culture at our head office, and of motivating team members to get involved in our efforts to be kinder to the planet.

As we all know, sustainability has been a hot topic for some time now, with many companies looking for ways to put the environment higher up the priority list when it comes to operational decisions. Climate change is an ever-looming threat to the well-being of future generations, and the world as a whole is already well behind with where it should have been, with emissions targets not having been met, and waste disposal, especially of non-biodegradables, being at far too high a level for the long-term.

At our head office in Cape Town, we’ve decided to take a multifaceted approach to sustainability. This includes:

  • Striving towards a paperless office, be encouraging team members to use digital notes, and collaborate on documents in the cloud, rather than printing things that would waste paper.
  • Having dedicated recycling bins around the office, in which staff are to place recyclable items, instead of throwing them in the regular garbage cans.
  • Having a regular drop-off at our local recycling depot, which we have been using for years. The Oasis Association, which runs the depot, uses its income to support those in South Africa with mental disabilities, through support workshops, day centers, and group homes.
  • Encouraging staff members to use sustainable items.
  • Doing annual litter clean-ups in the area around our office, and taking the items collected off the street to our local depot for recycling.

Oasis Recycling Depot

From left: Tanja Glatz, Marlyse Wood, Chantelle Butcher, Lucy Smith, Joy Jackson, Eloise Williams, Inaaz Arend, Nausheena Hoosain, Rene Stegmann, Lynn Mackenzie, Quintin Coetzee


Even though individual efforts may seem small, when they add up on a company-wide scale, they are truly impactful. And if more companies join in, we may stand a chance at reaching those elusive targets. We hope our initiatives inspire more businesses to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Let’s all join together to reduce waste, and have a positive impact on our natural environment.



For information as to how Relocation Africa can help you with your Mobility, Immigration, Research, Remuneration, and Expat Tax needs, email info@relocationafrica.com, or call us on +27 21 763 4240.

Sources: [1], [2]. Image sources: [1], [2].