VFS South Africa Update

Please see below the update that Relocation Africa received from VFS South Africa, detailing the procedures they will be taking during the lock-down.

As recent measures are put into place by our honourable President Ramaphosa to help flatten the curve of the covid-19 pandemic, the following operational plan will be in effect. 

  • Wednesday 25th March 2020 will be the last day of submissions –no critical skills, general work and business visa related applications will be accepted on this day for temporary residence permits only. 
  • Thursday will be the last day for collections, collections times 10:00 to 15:00
  • Any walk-ins that have visa’s expiring tomorrow or during the lockdown will be turned away. We will prioritize scheduled appointments and appeal related applications only. 
  • DHA have authourized all those holding visa’s expiring during the lockdown period commencing tomorrow will not require a good cause letter when we return to full operations.

It is no secret on what we are dealing with, we are all at risk if not dealt with accordingly. We urge you as professionals to reduce crowding in centres as we will be monitoring traffic. 

VFS reopening will be dependent on the department’s decision to be made soon.  Communication will be made via all channels on complete reopening and strategy for submissions. 

Our sincere apologies for the delayed email but discussions had to be made. 

Thank you for understanding and stay safe!

For any queries, please contact VFS directly. You can visit their website here.

For information as to how Relocation Africa can help you with your Mobility, Immigration, Research, Remuneration, and Expat Tax needs, email info@relocationafrica.com, or call us on +27 21 763 4240.
Sources: [1], [2]. Image sources: [1], [2].