AT FIDI in Cannes, France Dominic Offer, Mikko Loikkanen and Rene Stegmann were involved with discussions on How to Start your Sustainability Roadmap.

The only people who know your business are your team, so direction and change must come from within. Starting a sustainability roadmap requires your leaders and your team to understand what it is you can impact, plan, and action and learn from your roadmap which will evolve over time.

Most people say the hardest thing to work out is where to start. As Mikko said from Niemi in Finland, progress over precision. You don’t necessarily need to jump straight into measurement or getting a fleet of electric cars, start with eco-friendly lightbulbs, ride to work schemes, recycling and supporting your team with happiness surveys such as the one Rene from Relocation Africa in South Africa put out for her team, these are small but effective wins and help build momentum to what then becomes effective change. Whatever you do, ensure that you look to engage, educate and act on results where you can then repeat the action to ensure proper impact and improvement.

Roadmaps don’t need to be complex documents over 3 years, they can be action by action or a 6-month plan. They just help you to get from A to B, to communicate to everyone involved the direction and implement set check and training along the way.

The contributors to the presentation and discussions included Rene, Mikko’s and Dom the companies who you will have heard are doing incredible things in the Destination Services, Moving and the Relocation Management sectors and looking to these as leaders of sustainability in their respective fields and industry as a whole.