Facts to assist you when travelling to Mali 


Mali population 

  • 23.3 million  

Capital and Largest City 

  • Bamako. 

Official Language(s) 

  • French. 


  • West African CFA franc. 

Office Hours 

  • 07:30 – 16:00. 


  • Saturday – Sunday. 

Time Zone 

  • UTC.  

Calling Code 

  • +223. 


  • If a service charge is not included in the bill a tip of 10% is acceptable. 


  • Most countries are represented by embassies or consulates located in the capital city. 


  • Colonel Assimi Goïta has been interim President of Mali as of 28 May 2021.  


  • Mali is known to be one of the hottest countries in the world! The thermal equator, which matches the hottest spots year-round on the planet based on the mean daily annual temperature, crosses the country. Most of Mali receives negligible rainfall, and droughts are very frequent. Late June to early December is the rainy season in the southernmost area. During this time, flooding of the Niger River is common, creating the Inner Niger Delta. During the hottest season of the year, temperatures are high throughout the country. Timbuktu, Taoudenni, Araouane, Gao, Kidal, Tessalit are some of the hottest spots on Earth during their warmest months. 


  • The main airport in Mali is the Lilongwe International Airport, located in Lilongwe. Mali’s transportation infrastructure is regarded as poor, even by regional standards, and deficiencies have limited economic growth and development. Mali has one railroad, including 729 kilometres in Mali, which runs from the port of Koulikoro via Bamako to the border with Senegal and continues on to Dakar. Mali’s main economic link to the coast is a paved road between Bamako and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire. Because rate of automobile ownership is low, and formal government run public transit is sparse, informal buses and taxis abound in Malian urban centres. 


  • Mali’s main industries include mining, manufacturing, and agriculture. 


  • A common gesture in Mali that foreigners might not be familiar with, and might confuse them, is pursing your lips and making a buzzing sound, which means “nothing.” Unlike in western societies where burping is considered rude, in Mali, burping is considered a sign that one has enjoyed their meal. Often times, the cook or host will even consider burping a compliment. It is also impolite to shake hands or to eat with the left hand. 


  • Men shake hands when greeting one another. It is common to put your right hand to your chest, and this is a sign of respect. When meeting with longtime friends a hug is the common form of greeting. Women also shake hands with other female strangers and acquaintances. A verbal hello is appropriate as well. Close female friends will hug one another. It is not appropriate for people of the opposite sex to shake hands or hug. In such a case, a verbal greeting will suffice.  


  • The currency of Mali is the West African franc (XOF). The XOF is also the currency of six other independent states in Western Africa, such as Benin, Guinea-Bissau, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo. 


  • Foreign visitors who want to drive in Mali must have valid drivers license issued by the country of their residence. Driving in Mali is on the right-hand side of the road, and the minimum age for driving is 21. It is not permitted to use a handheld mobile phone whistle driving, and drivers caught doing this will face consequences accordingly. Driving under the influence of alcohol is also prohibited. 


  • Mali is a developing African country and is one of the poorest countries in the world. Due to its high levels of poverty, Mali also has high crime rates and is therefore not a particularly safe country. Transport isn’t safe in Mali as Malian roads and vehicles are often unsafe and unreliable. Some drivers can be reckless and ignore traffic signs, and at random times there can also be cattle roaming on the roads. Visitors should be careful about displaying wealth or any belongings in public. Avoid walking unaccompanied in Mali altogether, be it during day or night. 


  • Mali is home to many different tribes and ethnic groups. The largest of these groups is the Bambara, which accounts for 31% of the population. Other smaller ethnic groups include the Fula Macina, Soninke, Sanghai, and the Dogon (5%). Mali is a Muslim country. Approximately 90% of the country’s population ascribe to the Sunni Muslim faith. Minority religions in Mali include Christianity, most of which identify with the Catholic or Protestant denominations.  


  • Due to it being a poor nation, Mali unfortunately does not have many grand modern shopping malls and amenities like that of which can be found in western countries. However, the country does have a number of supermarkets and shops where locals and visitors can get everything they need. 


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Being dedicated to our promise of sustainability, and aware of our impact in the Global Mobility industry, Relocation Africa recently conducted a Sustainability Materiality Assessment.  

The process was innovative and research-intensive, but ultimately immensely rewarding.  

The objective of the Sustainability Materiality Assessment was to highlight key sustainability concerns and opportunities within Relocation Africa’s operations and value system, for the business to create specific sustainability plans, minimise potential issues, and interact with stakeholders in a way that promotes transparency and trust. 

By recognising and ranking sustainability concerns related to its operations and stakeholders, Relocation Africa can improve its sustainable impact, establish trust, meet regulations, and enhance long-term competitiveness in the Global Mobility Industry.  

This Sustainability Materiality Assessment serves as a foundational tool for Relocation Africa to navigate sustainability challenges and address the issues that we impact directly or have a direct impact on our business and stakeholders. In doing so accordingly, we hope to drive positive change within the Global Mobility industry. Hence, the Sustainability Materiality Assessment was created as a formal and structured assessment to solve the rising ESG issues in the industry in a manner that is formalised, rational, and impactful, rather than merely answering relevant sustainability-compliance questions in a tick-box fashion.  

Conducting sustainability materiality assessments in this manner also ensures that the issues we address or seek to mitigate remains relevant, as we are committed to undergoing this process annually. Each year, we anticipate that our priorities may shift in response to changes in the business environment, stakeholder priorities, and the legislative landscape. 

Adopting a continuous improvement mindset and engaging stakeholders are both crucial steps to take in cultivating an innovative and resilient company culture, while simultaneously aligning business practices with ESG principles. We believe that Relocation Africa has the potential to drive significant change in the industry and contribute to a more sustainable and equitable future.  

The Methodology  

For our data collection process, we utilised an intuitive survey platform, Alchemer, which allowed us to design a customised survey offering a range of question formats, including multiple-choice, open-ended, and drop-down menu lists, enabling us to gather both quantitative and qualitative data.  

Alchemer also allowed us the ability to maintain anonymity for all surveys. The anonymity offered to stakeholders encouraged them to provide authentic responses without fear of repercussions, thereby not only promoting transparency and honesty in the data collection process, but also reducing potential biases or social desirability effects. 

To ensure a comprehensive spectrum of perspectives and concerns relevant to sustainability were captured, Relocation Africa sent out an anonymous survey link to their self-nominated stakeholders across various stakeholder groups. 

These stakeholder groups included board members, employees, shareholders, suppliers, assignees (individuals being relocated), corporate clients, relocation management companies, and other partners such as DSPs, temporary living providers. The selected stakeholders also span across a wide set of geographic regions on the African continent and abroad.  

Throughout the data collection period, Relocation Africa actively distributed the survey link to their stakeholders to maximise reach and participation. This approach enhanced the representativeness and validity of the collected data. 

By utilising Alchemer to design our surveys and conducting our research across a broad spectrum of stakeholders for the purpose of gathering rich and diverse insights, we can use these results in guiding our strategic decision-making processes towards more sustainable practices.  


The feedback from the Sustainability Materiality Assessment Report for Relocation Africa is presented as a local report, focusing on a specific geographical perspective. The results are based on 29 completed responses and include input from all stakeholder categories.  

For each issue, Environmental, Social, and Governmental, we asked the respondents to specifically select out of the 14 identified environmental issues the 10 most relevant to them and rank them from 1 – 10 (1 being the most important issue).  


The Environmental issues of most importance are: 

  • Energy Usage 
  • Climate Strategy 
  • Green House Gas (GHG) emissions (incl. carbon) 

However, the issues with the most respondents are: 

  • Clean Air  
  • Waste Disposal/Recycling  
  • Renewable Energy 


The Social issues of most importance are: 

  • Employee Well-Being/ Engagement/ Hiring & Retention 
  • Workplace Health & Safety 
  • Fair Pay/ Living Wages 
  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion 

However, the issues with the most respondents are: 

  • Employee Well-Being/ Engagement/ Hiring & Retention  
  • Workplace Health & Safety  
  • Fair Pay/ Living Wages  


The Governance issues of most importance are: 

  • Business Ethics / Anti-Bribery/ Corruption 
  • Data Protection & Privacy 
  • Risk Management 
  • Cybersecurity 

However, the governance issues with the most respondents are: 

  • Business Ethics / Anti-Bribery/ Corruption  
  • Data Protection & Privacy  
  • Risk Management  

The Limitations  

Though the Sustainability Materiality Assessment was both a thoughtful and intuitive concept in aims to gain insights across the categories of Environmental, Social, and Governance issues, Relocation Africa acknowledges that there are several limitations to consider, including: 


  • Subjectivity and bias: Assessments depend on the interpretation and judgment of those involved, which can introduce subjectivity and bias. Stakeholders may have varied priorities, values, and perceptions of sustainability, resulting in differing views on what constitutes material sustainability issues for Relocation Africa. 


  • Dynamic nature of sustainability: Sustainability issues and stakeholder expectations change with evolving social, environmental, and economic conditions. A static assessment may not capture emerging risks, opportunities, or shifting stakeholder concerns. Therefore, we recommend conducting this assessment annually to reflect current priorities.  


  • Absence of Randomisation: We recognise that in this survey we did not randomise the answer choices when asking respondents to rank the Environmental, Social and Governance issues, to assist in overcoming order bias. Respondents tend to favour choices at the beginning and end of a list; therefore, it is possible that the respondents’ first few answers selection is based on the need to save time. 


  • Language barriers: This survey was designed in English, which we acknowledge might not be the first language of every stakeholder who participated. Although we were pedantic in using clear and simple language to facilitate comprehension for all respondents, interpretations could differ or be influenced by respondents’ cultural backgrounds and environments, potentially impacting their responses.  

Conclusion & Recommendations 

The Sustainability Materiality Assessment is a crucial tool for Relocation Africa to navigate sustainability in the Global Mobility industry. As relocation Africa embarks on this journey, it is important to note that the Sustainability Materiality Assessment is not the final destination, but rather it is part of a continuous process of improvement. The assessment provides insights and a roadmap for meaningful action and impact. 

Embracing continuous improvement can help Relocation Africa foster innovation, resilience, transparency, and sustainability. This includes implementing initiatives to address sustainability issues and promoting a culture of learning and collaboration. 

By monitoring progress and engaging stakeholders, Relocation Africa can drive positive change and align with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles. This approach can lead to long-term economic and value creation, shaping a more sustainable and equitable future for the Global Mobility industry and beyond.  

Download our  Relocation Africa’s Sustainable Development Materiality Assessment 2024 

Facts to assist you while travelling to Sierra Leone.


Sierra Leone population

  • 4 million people.

Capital and Largest City

  • Freetown.

Official Language(s)

  • English.


  • Leone.

Office Hours

  • 08:00 – 16:00.


  • Saturday – Sunday.

Time Zone

  • UTC.

Calling Code

  • +232.


  • If a service charge is not included in the bill a tip of 10% is acceptable.


  • Most countries are represented by embassies or consulates located in the capital city.


  • Julius Maada Wonie Bio is a Sierra Leonean politician, and the current president of Sierra Leone since 4 April 2018.


  • The climate of Sierra Leone is tropical. Although it could technically be classified as a tropical monsoon climate, it could also be described as a climate that is transitional between a continually wet tropical rainforest climate and a tropical savanna climate. There are two seasons. The dry season lasts from November to May, and the rainy season lasts from June to October. Average rainfall is highest at the coast, 3000–5000 mm per year, but precipitation decreases as you move further inland.


  • The main airport in Sierra Leone is the Lungi International Airport, located in Lungi. The country does not share rail links with adjacent countries. Because of widespread poverty, high petroleum prices and a large portion of the population residing in small communities, walking is often the preferred method of transportation in Sierra Leone. Major ports of Sierra Leone include Bonthe, Freetown, Pepel, and Queen Elizabeth II Quay.


  • Sierra Leone’s main industries include diamonds mining, small-scale manufacturing (cigarettes, beverages, textiles, footwear), petroleum refining, and commercial ship repair.


  • Sierra Leoneans are extremely polite and manner conscious. Locals give lots of attention to one’s neatness of dress and style of presentation, especially in urban areas. Courteous and eloquent greetings are important in their society. Elders are always respected. People in Sierra Leone are also generous, especially towards their guests. A “good” host is always a generous host. It is polite for guests to leave some food on the plate, thanking the host profusely for his or her generosity.


  • Greetings in Sierra Leone vary according to ethnic group. In Krio, Hello is ”Kushe”. In Mende, it is ”Bua”, and in Temne it is ”Seke”.


  • The Leone is the official currency of Sierra Leone. It is subdivided into 100 cents. The Leone is abbreviated as ‘’Le’’ placed before the amount.


  • People in Sierra Leone drive on the right side of the road. The minimum age for citizens to drive a car is 18. Driving under influence in Sierra Leone is taken seriously, so make sure to abide by the local rules of the road. The maximum allowed speed limit is 70 km/h on urban roads. Children who are younger than 5 years are prohibited to be in the front seat of a moving vehicle.


  • Due to the high levels of poverty in Sierra Leone, it is not the safest country to travel to. Visitors face a high risk of pick pocketing and theft. It is best to treat crowded places with caution, and avoid other places entirely, if possible. Nightclubs and bars are typically hotspots for criminals, muggers, pickpockets, and prostitutes. Sierra Leone is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in Africa. Although the seas close to the beach are generally safe for experienced swimmers, there has been a number of reported cases of drowning due to strong currents.


  • The two largest ethnic groups residing in the country are the Temne and Mende. Other ethnic communities in the country include the Limba, Kono, Loko, Fullah, Mandingo, and other smaller groups. While English is the country’s official language, the Mende and the Temne are the principal vernacular languages spoken in the south and north of the country. Krio is an English-based Creole language is a first language for only 10% of the population. However, this unique language is understood by nearly the entire population. Most of Sierra Leone’s population is Muslim, with the approximate percentage nearing a whopping 78.6%. They coexist with a smaller group of Christians, who account for about 20.8% of the population.


  • Sierra Leone has numerous stores, shopping centres, and malls that are modern like that of those in western countries, especially in its capital city. Therefore, shopping and entertainment should be no hassle. Sierra Leone also has some online shopping options.


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Facts to assist you while travelling to Gambia.


Gambian population

  • 7 million.

Capital and Largest City

  • Banjul.

Official Language(s)

  • English.


  • Dalasi.

Office Hours

  • 09:00 – 17:00.


  • Saturday – Sunday.

Time Zone

  • UTC.

Calling Code

  • +220.


  • If a service charge is not included in the bill a tip of 10% is acceptable.


  • Most countries are represented by embassies or consulates located in the capital city.


  • Adama Barrow is a Gambian politician and real estate developer who has served as President of the Gambia since 2017.


  • Gambia has a tropical climate. The hot and rainy season normally lasts from June until November. Thereafter, from December until May, cooler temperatures predominate, and precipitation decreases. The climate in The Gambia closely resembles that of neighbouring Senegal, of southern Mali, and of the northern part of Benin.


  • The main airport in Gambia is the Banjul International Airport, located in its capital city. The system of transportation in Gambia mixes both public and private operations and consists of a system of roads that are both paved and unpaved, water and air transportation. There are no railways in the country.


  • Gambia’s main industries that contribute towards its GDP include mining, processing peanuts, fish, tourism, beverages, agricultural machinery assembly, woodworking, metalworking, and clothing.


  • The ethnic groups that reside in Gambia prioritise tranquility of life, and their manners and actions tend to ease the attainment of that goal. Regardless of ethnicity, Gambians are often soft-spoken and gentle in demeanor. They avoid unnecessary conflicts and strive toward quiet settlement of disputes.


  • A common handshake between two men occurs with the right hand and tends to linger for a bit. Handshakes may also be accompanied by an intimate and polite touching of the forearm or upper arm. Older people are greeted first, typically by saying ‘’Asalaamalekum’’. With women, a verbal greeting tends to suffice. It may be accompanied by a handshake, and this is acceptable, but not expected. The elder woman usually leads the greeting. Due to most of the population practicing Islam, refrain from greeting the opposite sex. Verbal greetings are sufficient but try to avoid direct eye contact. It is taboo for religiously observant Muslim men to touch women and vice-versa.


  • The official currency of Gambia is the Gambian Dalasi (GMD), which is subdivided into 100 bututs. The country has a cash-based economy, so while you may find a number of hotels and restaurants that accept visa debit cards, not many will take credit card payments.


  • One of the major challenges faced by people travelling to Gambia is getting around the country by road and crossing the river safely by boat. Most roads in the country are in a poor condition that often worsens during the rainy season. There is no existing public transport system and Gambian drivers have varying levels of skill and respect for basic road rules. Many of them do not make use of the vehicle’s headlights at night, especially in areas that actually have streetlights, like the capital city. Drunk driving is also a frequent occurrence amongst citizens and traffic laws and regulations are not properly implemented.


  • Gambia is known as the Smiling Coast of Africa due to its reputation for positivity and good vibes. While the country is reported to be safe, crimes do occur. Most crimes that take place are petty crimes such as pickpocketing, scams and theft. However, it is not common that visitors are targeted, and most people who visited Gambia have not experienced any crime whatsoever. It is important that you practice vigilance and take precautions.


  • Gambia is a multiethnic country. The country’s most prominent ethnic groups include the Fula, Jola, Mandinka, Serahule, and Wolof. These groups coexist in the same regions, and there is no part of The Gambia that is inhabited by one single ethnic group. This has led to the sharing and mixing of cultural traits among the groups, which has in turn led to a movement toward a Gambian national culture. Islam is the biggest religion in Gambia, with Muslims making up 90 percent of the country’s population. There is also a small group of Christian followers, as well as an even smaller group of locals who still practice traditional and indigenous religions.


  • There are many supermarkets in and towards the city spaces that are well-stocked with imported food, as well as malls and shopping centres. Shops are open from 9am and usually close only after 7pm, from Monday to Saturday.



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