Building A Bold, New HR: 10 Things We Need Now
Building something new always demands a moment of pause. So, we did just that. We paused and posed a much needed question:
If you could disrupt one aspect of HR to help employees — what would that be?
To say the least, these weren’t one-word, one-sided responses. (Please note this is not a scientific study. It reflects a conversation.) Your comments held honesty and a sense of fair play — and you shared thoughtful, success-oriented solutions rooted in experience. BTW, more than a few HR professionals shared their aspirations for their own field — and their input to the conversation is vital.
It’s clear that many of us are frustrated with HR — one comment described the function as “the monster in the closet”. But, HR isn’t an enemy. It is just their time to evolve. I’d rather say that where we are, is a needed point of inflection. Organizational life has changed dramatically over the last decade and that has played a key role here.
But, through all of this — all I see is opportunity.
We should build on what is already working and what we have learned, to make key adjustments. It’s been a rather steep learning curve of late (just consider the engagement dilemma alone). But, we’ve already begun to make forward progress.
Here are 10 frequently mentioned elements, woven through your responses: