Nonstop Flights From Miami To Cape Town On The Table

Business stakeholders in Cape Town and Miami are pushing for direct nonstop flights between the two cities, both considered gateways to emerging markets — Florida to Latin America, and the Western Cape to the rest of Africa, CapeBusinessNews reported.

There’s a strong case for a direct flight between Cape Town and Miami, according to Western Cape tourism and business leaders with strong connections to the U.S. U.S. officials back that up.

The U.S. is the No. 1 foreign direct investor in the Western Cape province, its third largest tourism source market with 200,000 arrivals in 2015, and the fifth largest buyer of Western Cape products.

Miami is the fourth largest economy in the U.S. with over 19 million residents and there is pent up demand for direct flights to Cape Town, said Abigail Ellary, director of Enterprise Florida, a public-private partnership between Florida’s business and government leaders. Enterprise Florida is the principal economic development organization for Florida.

U.S. businesses have shown strong investment numbers for the Cape region and a direct flight would drive exponential growth, said Brett Omdahl with the U.S. Commercial Service.

 Stakeholders attended a meeting Friday with Cape Town Air Access, a collaboration between the Western Cape Provincial Government; the City of Cape Town; Cape Town Tourism; Airports Company of South Africa which operates nine of South Africa’s airports; and Wesgro, the Western Cape Investment and Trade Promotion Agency.
